Tuesday, March 2, 2010

busy days

The new muscle relaxer seems to be working pretty well, so I will probably try to get a prescription for that one.

The days seem to be so busy lately. Kyle has had lots of church meetings lately. We had four parent/teacher/student conferences last night. Tara had her ears checked again and they are looking pretty good! (What an answer to prayer!) She had a little "negative pressure" in one ear, but no holes, fluid or infection. At this point we will just wait and see what happens.

I finally saw the dermatologist today in SF. Evidently I have an infection that is causing the rash and sores. Probably should have checked it out a few months ago, but now is better than never. So hopefully I can get that cleared up. I didn't think to ask but I am now wondering if an infection may be somewhat delaying my regaining of strength? Probably not, but I can always hope that there is a reason that can easily be resolved and I suddenly become strong again!


Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy- Glad to read you are feeling some better. Still keeping up with you blog,so still praying! :) We are in So CA enjoying volunteering manual labor at a youth Bible Camp. Love to you all

Carey said...

I'm sure the infection isn't doing your strength any good! One more thing for your body to fight. Glad you got it figured out. Praying it will clear up easily now.