Saturday, January 19, 2013


I have been wearing the glasses for about 1 1/2 weeks and am encouraged with how I am doing!  My headache is still there, but it has gone down a few degrees and that is wonderful!   It is making the headache so much more more tolerable!  The bad thing with the timing, though, is that the Botox shots were to begin helping the middle of this past week as well.  That means that we won't know definitively that it is one treatment or the other that is helping or both at this point.  I have a follow up with the neurologist the beginning of March, so we will see where we go from there.  I am scheduled for the next set of Botox injections the beginning of April.

The thing that has not really improved is the ringing in my ears.  Irritating, yes, but I can deal with that if many of the other symptoms improve or (dare I say) disappear!

Interestingly, I brought Tanner up for the eye testing as well since he regularly has headaches and has some of the other symptoms they have found typical with this eye problem.  He definitely had it.  The doctor said that he was "off the charts" and will need to wear glasses as well.  The negative for him to start with is that he will need to wear his contacts for his regular correction and also wear the glasses for this focusing issue.  They are working on designing glasses that will correct for both and are also in the process of developing contacts for this problem as well.  So him wearing both will probably be temporary.

Riley said to me the other day that "I don't look as bad as he thought I would with glasses."  I'm not sure if that is a compliment or slam but I had to laugh regardless. Funny kid!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glasses look great!