Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Things have been going okay, but not the very best.  Each day is different, but I am becoming more and more frustrated with the lack of strength.  It is an issue that may just be how it is and I may need to find contentment in that.  However, I did finally call the doctor last week about it.  He felt that a switch of a medication would be warranted.

This hopefully will be a good thing, but the transition could be rough.  I have to go down, 10 mg at a time from 50 mg to 10 mg.  When I get down to the 10's, I will start the new drug at a low dose at the same time and work up week by week until I am doing better.  They would like me to go back out there after the transition to evaluate.  Not quite sure how all of that will work yet.

The hope is that the current medication does slow the body down.  I take it at night and sleep heavily and perhaps it is hindering the strengthening progress.  The new drug will be taken in the morning and has the opposite effect.  So the hope is that this medication, which has the affect of speeding the body up, will aid in improving my ability to regain strength.

The transition could be a little rough.  I've been on the 40's since last Friday night and I am beginning to feel the difference in not so great ways.  My ears are ringing loudly again and my head is feeling a little more painful.  If it helps it will be worth it.  If it doesn't and I need to go back to the old medication, it could be a trying ordeal.  After all of this being said, I am still in much better condition, headwise, than I have have been for several years.  So I know that this is something that, with the Lord's help, we will all get through.

"Be strong and of a good courage, be not afraid nor dismayed, for the Lord thy God is with you, withersoever that goest."  Joshua 1:9

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you, Cindy, and keeping you in our prayers!
-Esther Diekevers