Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I had another ultrasound yesterday.  This time I decided to try to go to a gynecologist, hoping that I would get results right away and that she would be more familiar with what is on the ultrasound than a radiologist and that the ultrasound tech would be more familiar with these things.  It worked out pretty well.

The hydrosalpinx is still there.  The problematic cyst is still there as well.  The good news is that the cyst has gotten smaller it seems.  It has been hanging out a long time!  There were a few other cysts there as well, but they were normal.  The one is still problematic and needs to be watched yet, so I will be going back there in 6 weeks.  She was surprised that all of this hadn't been surgically removed but after I explained the complication of having  multiple abdominal surgeries it made more sense.

It was nice to get positive news, but I would sure like to just have this behind me!

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