Monday, July 23, 2012


I proudly celebrated another birthday Saturday!  At this point, I still feel like it is an accomplishment rather than something to dread.

My strength continues to be slow in improving.  It seems that there is little to report but yet that is good because it means that I am not declining again!  I think this is the longest period of time that I have done well for a very long time!

We are missing our older two kids now!  They are at a youth convention in Look Out Mountain, Georgia for the week.  Kyle took a carload of kids to the airport and they left at 12:45 this morning.  He got back at about 5:30, slept a couple hours and away he went again.  I think he will really crash tonight!  So glad the kids have this opportunity!  It is such a faith builder to attend this convention.  It isn't just fun and games but they study and learn about things that are pretty important and along the way have fun.  I can't wait to hear the stories that they will be sharing when they return home!

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