Saturday, December 11, 2010


We have just experienced a huge snowstorm/blizzard. I have had a few calling me to see how I am doing, and amazingly I am doing very well! I could feel the storm coming, but it didn't make me miserable like those changes often do. Since this was such a big storm, it could have really hit me hard. Do I dare hope that with fall officially past that perhaps the weather systems won't affect me as badly? Maybe I am past the worst. But, I think for now I will just be thankful for the good day and continue just taking it a day at a time.

The Lord has been so merciful to me. So many people have prayed for me, and what an answer to prayer that I am doing better than I have for so long. What a blessing! The Lord has answered our prayers all along, although not always answering the way that we would have liked. But it is a blessing to know that the Lord has a plan for me and my family that is good, and that even if it isn't always understandable to us and not always what we would like, it is still good. God is so good!

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