Tuesday, June 22, 2010


We are settling back into a routine, as much as a routine is possible with four kids going in different directions! I continue to do fairly well with a few ups and downs now and then. We are so grateful for my health remaining relatively steady the last year. I kind of feel like I missed a year of my life, though. The kids will ask about something that happened last year and much of the time I just don't remember. Very strange feeling sometimes, but I am making up for it by making new memories.

The other day I decided to take the kids to Toy Story 3. Tara was quite afraid of me going. She was so worried because she knew that it would be loud with a lot of action. She tried to convince me that I really shouldn't go because she really didn't want me to be hurt or back to the hospital. I reassured her that it would be ok and that she didn't have to worry about mom. It went pretty well. I had my earplugs in right away, of course, and I shut my eyes sometimes during the "action" parts, but I did it! Afterwards I took it easy for a while and was a little more "headachey" but that was ok. I did it and Tara was reassured again that I am not hospital bound. Another accomplishment!

1 comment:

Carey said...

Oh, Tara! How wonderful that you were able to calm that fear of hers. Sweetheart.