Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Lord's Day

It is the Lord's Day again, and I am so blessed to have been able to go to church this morning. I remember last Sunday wondering how long it may be before I could attend. I may have pushed it a bit today, but I just walked in right before starting and walked out just before it was done. I was pretty whipped after that, but it was very well worth it. The Lord has really answered our prayers and I am so thankful to be where I am right now especially when I think of how poorly I was doing last week.

Someone asked about the side effects of the medications and if that is causing some of my problems now. Some of the side effects are headaches, dizziness, tingling hands and feet, ringing in the ears and sleepiness. Yes, some of the things I am trying to get rid of are actually being brought back by the drug, but much more tolerable. Kyle and I think that my exhaustion and memory problems are probably more related to the trauma to my brain and the need for it just to recover. If we had discovered this a few months ago it probably would have been much easier. Kyle has said many times that I looked like death and I can say that I felt like death wasn't so far away. In some of my more lucid moments I really hoped that the Lord would take me home. But, He obviously has more plans for me. I don't think that I was sleeping well, either. Kyle said that he is sleeping much better because I don't moan all night. So I think time will resolve some of these things.

I guess this has been a difficult path to follow and not one that I would have chosen. However, God is good and has been answering our prayers. We have been reminding our kids and ourselves that this is such a clear example of many people praying on my behalf and God listening and answering those prayers. Thank you for praying for me! I have struggled with not really being able to be a mom to my kids for a good part of the last 2 1/2 years, but perhaps the Lord is using this to teach and mold them more then I could have done as an active mom. God is good, all the time.


Carey said...

So glad you got to go to church! Love how you're looking for God's blessings through all this pain. Still praying...

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are getting the sleep you've been deprived of so long! So glad you were able to worship with your church family yesterday. Just remember, baby steps to get back to normal. We still pray every day for you. I am anxious to hear how the testing of the spinal fluid went. Maybe there are even more answers for you when those results come in.
Take care!

Mary and Lyle said...


Our family is so happy that you could go to church yesterday! That is so wonderful. I'm sure that everyone at church was thrilled to see you there and I'm sure Kyle and the kids loved having you sit with them and worship together! We continue to praise the Lord on your behalf. Thinking of you!

Mary and Lyle

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,
I have been very busy helping other SF agents, but think of how you are doing often. Hang tough and keep going each day. I know I will be back up your way very soon helping you with some clients in 2009. You are an inspiration to all of us and thhis time of healing will teach you a lot.
Jeff Bremer, FSA-State Farm