Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Another day

About the same again today. I usually sleep from about 1:30 until the kids come home at 3:30, so I will be heading there shortly. I haven't heard from the doctor yet. I think he is great but sometimes not so great at communication. I guess brain surgeons have that right.

I have been thinking that it has been just about 2 1/2 years since headaches became a problem for me. There have been few days in that 2 1/2 years that I have been totally headache free, some days that were breathtakingly bad and many in various stages of tolerable. I have to laugh at myself. In looking back at a form that I completed about a year ago I indicated that I had headaches but was otherwise very healthy. I don't think to many people would look at me and say that I am very or even kind of healthy. Pride, I guess. Last year I was so embarrassed to have my sisters put me in a wheelchair and take me through Kohls to get a few things. Now I am thinking that will be a great idea if I can get strong enough to do that. How perspectives can change.

Many, many people have helped us along the way in countless ways. I know that I haven't thanked many of them, which I feel badly about. Thanks to all of you! I have to mention one other person that is amazing--my dad. A few weeks ago my mom was with Renae & her brand new baby and I had a major turn for the worse. Probably one of my worst times, I would guess. I stayed with my dad because it was quiet and near the hospital. He pampered me, helped me walk when I couldn't, got up during the night several times every night I was there to make sure that I was doing ok and took me to the hospital at all times of the day or night when I needed pain meds. He bought me Ensure b/c I was dropping weight quickly, Gatoraid because I was dehydrated, a heating pad because my neck was hurting so bad and even Pepsi because he knew that I normally love to have one a day. One night when he checked on me and found me hallucinating he stayed with me and talked me through it. Later I discovered that he then slept on the couch outside my room so that he would be sure to hear me if I started moving around or calling. A fathers love is pretty amazing but then I have pretty amazing parents.


Anonymous said...

Keep your chin up and keep looking for the positives. It helps your body heal when you have a positive attitude. So glad to see that in you! We are still praying for a complete recovery and hope to see you in the office again soon! May you get the answers to your questions from your doctor soon as well.
Take care~

Anonymous said...

Cindy- Been traveling again, and missed your blog.. for a week or so. We are in Kansas City MO for 10wks.. So grateful to hear that you have had some hopeful news.. and hearing it I recalled the lady I met the summer..that also suffered long with headaches and dibilitations, and indeed, now has a shut (I think she said the fluid drains through a tube to her bladder?) She is doing well for several years! Hope that this thought is encourag. It sure seems the dr is on the right track! Praising the Lord with you that you have some relief!
Millie (&Cam)

Carey said...

Cindy, catching up on you blog, I've been gone for a few days. I have tears in my eyes reading this post, imagining your Dad by your side.