Monday, November 17, 2008

Baby steps

I was able to attend our worship service yesterday morning. It was an extra special day--it marked our first day of being formally organized as a church. I had a hard time holding back the tears a few times as I think of where we we started and how the Lord has blessed this church, both numerically and in strengthening faith. God is so good!

I have good and not such great news about my appointment with the neurologist I mentioned earlier. Good--I have an appointment. Not so great--the first available appointment is January 13. Maybe things will be fine but if I take a turn for the worse I'm not sure what we will do. I feel rather "fragile" so just not sure how things will progress.

Today marked a small step for me. I went to the office for a little while this morning. Time seems to just be floating past me but I had decided earlier last week that today I would start going in and start doing what I can and building from there.

I have one big goal. Tanner, our oldest, qualified for Opus. I don't know all the details but I think around 3000 tried out for about 700 positions in this state honors choir and he qualified this year. We are so proud of him! I am pretty determined to go. Our plan is to drive down (3 hours) and attend the concert. We will stay overnight so I can recover a bit then drive home in the morning. Most will do this in a day but we hope that I can make the trip and the concert. Please pray for us on Thursday that I will have the strength to make it through and still be able to enjoy the concert!

We have been so blessed and sometimes I have to remind myself of how blessed we are. My sister works for State Farm and a co-worker was diagnosed with cancer 2 1/2 weeks ago. Tim had been perfectly healthy up until that time and he passed away on Sunday at age 43. He has three young children. Please pray for his family! The Lord allows each of us a cross to carry and gives us the grace that we need to to carry it. So many are struggling so much more then we are. We are blessed that everyone else in our family is healthy and doing well and that I am making progress. Thank you to each reader for your prayers and expressions of concern. They mean so much to me!


Carey said...

I'll definately be praying for you, Cindy!! Congratulations to Tanner, what an accomplishment.

I'm sure you have much more experience with docs then we do. But sometimes if you keep calling your doc (daily if necessary) you can catch a cancelation and get in sooner.

God's blessings to you!!

Anonymous said...

Good to see you in the office again today! I still beleive in putting your name on a waiting list for cancellations with the specialists. It has worked well for me! You mentioned talking to your local doctor to see if he could pull some strings and get you in sooner ~ another great idea!
Sounds like help will be there in the near future for you. Hope you continue to gain strength. Congrats to Tanner! Hope you all enjoy the trip as a family.
Take Care~