Sunday, March 11, 2012


Today has been another relatively good day.  The emotions of being here yet for another undetermined length of time is hitting me harder today.  I so desperately have wanted to be home this week and now that is looking more questionable.  Kylie's birthday is on Wednesday, so hers will be the second birthday I will miss on this trip.  Tanner & Kylie are involved in the musical this weekend and it just kills me to think about missing that.  The privilege of attending my children's events have been few it seems the last years and that just breaks my heart.  This is a big one and I have been so determined to be home!  Please pray that it may still be possible.

I have been doing some reading and it sounds like a biopsy would probably be performed during surgery and they would determine the results within 30 minutes and then proceed with the necessary surgical procedures based on the findings.  If it is benign, it may be possible that it is same day surgery although my body is weak and worn so that may not be quite as likely for me.  We are praying diligently that this is not cancer and that I may be allowed to begin recovering my strength and resume life with my family.

Please pray for my dear family.  Kyle has been such a loving and supportive husband, but he is overwhelmed and has his hands very full.  Our kids are doing okay as having mom in the hospital, having surgeries, etc., has become rather normal in their young lives.  But they are struggling and really need to have their mom active in their lives.  One of the kids has been particularly affected in many ways and needs a little more stability with my presence than getting.  These things are so hard and complicated.  My parents are separated with my mom here and my dad alone.  My continuing illness has taken a toll on both Kyle and my families in many ways with much help coming from all.  I so long for health and normalcy for Kyle and I, our kids and our families.

I am spending another Sunday away from home.  We spent a quiet day, listened to a couple sermons and sat outside in the sun.  We had the joy of having Harry, Dori and Jess visit this afternoon.  Such a blessing.

We have also been blessed with the friendship of a young man from Saudi Arabia here treating for a severe lupus.  He has visited and been so kind, even walking with us to the market yesterday to get a few groceries.  It is so nice to have someone right here that cares about us, visits with us and is so willing to help when we need it!  Please pray for him as he undergoes chemo again tomorrow.

Someone will write tomorrow after we find out more about the path we will be taking.  A blood test was done at the ER that is 85% accurate in determining ovarian cancer, so we hope to find out the result of that tomorrow as well as finding out if/when I will have surgery.  I appreciate your prayers on behalf of my family and I!


Anonymous said...

Know that we are praying for all of you. Kyle has been such a loving and supportive husband! That is for sure! We will be thinking of you all tomorrow morning and we are praying for good news. So thankful your Mom is there with you. Much love.


Anonymous said...

I think of the Footprints Poem so often when it says when you couldn't go on no more that is when I carried you. God holds us in His hands and never leaves us or forsakes us. What a comfort. Praying for your family (all of you). Keep the faith.

Anonymous said...

Praying, praying, praying....
