Saturday, March 31, 2012


No news is good news at this point.  I continue doing very well.  My headache is staying mild.  It is very hard to not overdo it, and it doesn't take so much for me to overdo it!  But I am enjoying "normal" life things.  This morning, I was able to attend an event that Kylie participated in with a solo violin piece that was judged.  What a blessing to just do some of these things!  I did a few things the rest of the day in the house, but am really quite exhausted.  It seems like I can pick out one "bigger" thing for the day to do, then I have to lay low the rest of the time.

I continue to be amazed at how well I am doing!  I can tolerate more noise than I have in some time.  I feel like the "real me" is back.  I hope I stay around for a while!  :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cindy- Haven't been able to read your posts for a few days.. and now what I read is a blessed answer to our prayers. Yes, will keep you in prayer for continued healing and added strenth!