Monday, March 26, 2012


I am thankful that I have made a few more accomplishments!  Today I spent a couple hours at the office this morning and I went to the grocery store with Kyle tonight for the first time in a long while!  These seem like tiny steps, but they are steps in the right direction.  Saturday I had a marathon day, going to S. City to do a little bit of very needed shopping for the kids.  Kyle and I went with three of the kids and we were able to hit two stores and get what was sorely needed.  Even feeling really good this would be an accomplishment and so I was pretty happy that we were able to get some of this done.

This afternoon I spent a few minutes looking back at the posts that were made on this blog for the end of February and March.  Things were looking so difficult and I was having a hard time bracing for a very miserable 8 weeks without the shunt.  What an answer to prayer that I am doing so well!  I have so much to be thankful for!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Cindy!

I am sooo pleased that things are going so well for you. Things could have been so different without the shunts and I am just so grateful to God that your body doesn't seem to need them! What an answer to prayer. How great to get to the office a bit, go to Sioux City, and go grocery shopping. Those may seem like small things, but they are LIVING! And you couldn't really do any of those things for quite awhile! God is good. We continue to uphold you in prayer and thank the Giver of all good things! I think another get-together may be in order!!

Love ya!