Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday by Cindy

Well, Johns Hopkins is a great hospital, has great doctors, nurses and staff, but we found their emergency room a bit frustrating!  We were there for 14 hours and were able to crawl into bed last night at 4 am.  Exhaustion!

The findings are not all that encouraging but far from definitive at this point.  I have an appointment with a Gynecologist/Oncologist Monday morning at 8:30.  They did some blood work and an ultrasound and gave me an iv during those 14 hours.  Efficiency isn't the name of the game in an ER!

The primary concern is a mass on my ovary that is large and complex and that has probably what has given me the abdominal pain all this time.  It actually was documented on the ct scan in SCity hospital when I was there a few weeks ago but the didn't say anything about it to us but my neurosurgeon found it on the report.  It has grown since then. Less pressing is a much smaller separate nodule that we know much less about and seems to be not as pressing but is a concern.

Honestly, I am not hugely concerned at this point.  I have dealt with so much and maybe I can't fathom having something else added to it or maybe I am just an illogical optimist.  Whatever it is, I am just taking it a step at a time and we will deal with things as they come.  The positive is that they gave me a Toradol shot in the ER which typically has a positive impact on my head.  I was pretty miserable yesterday and am feeling pretty good this morning despite little sleep!  I am sure it will hit me soon and I will sleep a few hours this afternoon.  We are waiting for a consult with a headache specialist here to see if there is a way to manage the headaches without shunts since it is looking like that chapter of my life may be done!  :)


Anonymous said...

Wow Cindy, I just don't even know what to say. You have had quite a roller coaster ride. We will keep you and your family in our prayers and wait to hear more.
With love and prayers,
Twila and Vinny and family

Anonymous said...

Your optomism is very encouraging to me and it is not illogical at all. I think it is very good for you to remain optomistic! Your hope and strong faith are a great testament to me as well as many others. May God's amazing grace sustain you as you go forward. May His peace surround you and may He be your strength. I love you Cindy and I continue to pray for your complete healing. I know He is able! Hang in there and do not lose heart!
With Love,

Anonymous said...

I don't comment often, but do keep up with your blog and pray for you and your family daily. It seems unreal, everything that you have been through. What a comfort to know that our Lord will never leave you or forsake you.

Barb Tazelaar

Anonymous said...

You continue to have earthquakes and after shocks abound in your lives. May Psalm 46 find you comfort and peace. "The LORD Almighty is with us, the God of Jacob is our fortress."
Thinking of you, Peace...Helen

Anonymous said...

Great news that you may not need those shunts anymore! Praying for good news from the biopsy they will do. Thinking of you and Kathy. Hoping you both got some much deserved sleep in sometime today! :)

