Sunday, March 14, 2010


Another day of rest has come and is nearly gone. How quickly time seems to be going by.

Well, Friday was a big day and I didn't feel so good Saturday. But today has been better again, so that recovery period isn't too bad. So what did I do Friday? I worked for 2 hours at the office, drove to Sioux City, had lunch with my sister while my van was worked on, drove home, rested then had supper out with a few friends. Our oldest daughter also had two friends overnight for her birthday. Not an exceptionally strenuous day for the normal person, so Kyle had to laugh a little that I had really accomplished very little but needed a day to recover. But the other side is that I actually did all of those things and a few months ago I never would have been able to do that much. So I can't measure my accomplishments by what others can do but by the tiny steps I continue to take in the right direction.

The Lord has blessed us so much. We have had a tough time, and had significant challenges. But God has been so good to us and provided the grace and strength each day in the exact measurements that we have needed. If I didn't know with all my heart that God is in control, that he has planned this difficult time for my growth and time of testing, I don't think that I would have made it. I really don't know how a person that doesn't have a sincere faith in the Lord can deal with the things that we have endured. He didn't make it easy for us, but he didn't promise easy. He did promise to be with me every step of the way, though, and what a comfort that is.


Anonymous said...

i so do appreciate your words of encouragement cindy! your reminder of...Him being there every step of the just what I needed to hear. He is so very calming, isn't He?! i am also glad to hear of what you can accomplish in a day! glory be to Him!

Anonymous said...

Cindy- I laughed too, with Kyle,about you.. but my reason was probably different! I thought you accomplished far too much in one day to expect to not have to "pay" the next. However, let me quickly add... sometimes it is worth it! :)
So happy for you that you are willing to see little things (toe nails) and big things as improvements... your positive thinking and attitude is also important for your family to experience- it's been a long road for them too.
Still praying.