Tuesday, March 9, 2010


My head is still doing pretty well. I am so enjoying the moments of feeling fairly clear during the day. I am still quite exhausted by night time, and of course my head doesn't feel as good as evening arrives.

The rash is a bit of a mystery. The dermatologist told me that it is an infection but the lab results came back negative, so now he isn't sure what it is, either. I think that I will wait and see if it starts getting better as I continue to apply a medication to it twice a day. It is really very minor in the scope of things, but a bit irritating. My lower back is the worst, but I have a few spots on my legs, stomach, arms, and have occasionally had one on my face and in my mouth. Gr. . .

1 comment:

Holly said...


This is the first time I have looked at blogs and I came across yours. I too have pseudotumor cerebri and chiari malformation. I was diagnosed with PTC in 1997, had my lumbar peritoneal shunt installed in 1999 and then removed in 2004. In 2008 I had the chiari deformation surgery. For the next 18 months I went through physical and occupational surgery. I woke up after surgery without the use of my right arm and no feeling in my legs. It has been a very interesting journey to say the least. I have been fortunate to have excellent doctors.

I wish you well and I wanted you to know that someone else understand what you are going through.
