Saturday, March 6, 2010


The busy days continue, but I am doing ok. I am very exhausted by the time I get to bed, but I am making it through the days with several rests in the chair interspersed through the day.

My sister Renae moved to town this weekend. Everything went quite well although I wish that I was able to help more than I can. Someday I hope that I am able to do more so I can be of more help. But a day at a time.

My head has been staying pretty steady lately at a very tolerable level. My ears ring all the time yet but I am tolerating noise a little better I think. I am so thankful to be at the point that I am. I long for more, yet when I think about where I came from I am amazed that I am doing this well. What a blessing it is.

Have a blessed sabbath.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cindy- Glad to read the encouraging news that you are able to tolerate your health at this time. What fun news to read that your sister has moved near you! Take it easy so you can enjoy time with her and your family...something about's never done anyhow! :) Prayers continue