Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I continue to improve although not nearly fast enough for me. :) The time here with my cousin Lynn has been wonderful. She is taking such good care of me! Probably the biggest thing that I have to work on is nutrition. I went for nearly a month without eating and a period of that time had severe nausea so I am struggling with food and getting things down. Today I have seen a great improvement, though. I was able to eat cold things a little easier, like fruit and yogurt. Hot things have been very difficult. It is really like I have to teach myself how to eat again. Today I was able to eat more hot things and I amazed myself by eating a piece of pizza (plain) tonight--major accomplishment! We discovered that I have been having rough mornings most likely because in the hospital they gave me iv nutrition all night that was high in sugar so I think my body is waking up weak and shaky because it is missing its nightly "meal." So I am trying to eat something with sugar right before bed and then fruit first thing in the morning to get things going again.

Kyle and the kids left this morning for Florida, which has been stressful. We knew we had this trip coming and really didn't know what to do. Without revealing many details, we had this trip and the schedule for it was not changeable. A good portion of it was paid for us so we really hated to miss it. The plan was for all of us to drive, but the neurosurgeon gave me permission to go only if I flew. So Kyle and the kids left early this morning and I am supposed to fly out Thursday and meet them there. We are supposed to be there for 5 days. It has been very questionable as to whether I will be able to go, but I want to be with the family so badly. I have missed a lifetime of activities and events these last three years and will just be sick if this doesn't work out. But I am taking it a day at a time and tomorrow we will decide if it is going to work. The good news is that today has been a better day and my stamina and eating has improved so I am really hoping it will work!

If I go I will fly home on my 40th birthday the 21st. My goal for quite a while has been to be healthy by my 40th birthday. Well, I am far from healthy but it seems like I am on my way so we are praying that that health will be something I will enjoy as I enter my 40's.


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you are home and improving! I wish you a Blessed 40th Birthday! And also hope you get to go to Florida this week. Have a safe and wonderful trip. Keep eating good food!!!

Carey said...

Hey Cindy! Been thinking about you a lot! Praying, too. I was so amazed at how much I lost just laying in bed for about 4 weeks. It will be quite a while before I have the muscle tone I did before (3 more weeks no weight bearing, then hopefully...). I can only imagine how long it will take for you, my dear. Try to be patient with your body. You didn't get here overnight, unfortunately! But praying God does BIG THINGS with you and your health! Praying about the trip, too. Would be wonderful if you could go. Sending our love your way!!

Anonymous said...


So glad to hear that your are improving. Remember each day you will take a small step towards your recovery. As many days that you were sick, it will take many days to gain all your strength back. I have always wondered what I can do to help... Well I am good at eating, so maybe I will teach you to eat, and I will learn to not eat... HAHA!! Praying that the good Lord will lead to the right decision w/ vacation. Just take care of yourself. Praying for you to have great birthday and new start to new great chapter in your life.

Take care
