Saturday, May 30, 2009

A baby born and time ticking down

My sisters baby was finally born yesterday afternoon! A sweet little boy--that wasn't so little! Fully 9 lbs and 19 inches long, they named him Kayden Dean. We are so excited for Tami and Jeremy! My baby sister is now a mommy, too, and so excited and happy. I am so happy for the new joy in their lives--what a blessing.

In our home, the last bit of laundry is getting done and the kids are getting packed. The best part about this surgery is that I am feeling well enough to get these things together myself. All the other surgeries I haven't been well enough to think through what needed to be done (& couldn't move around well enough to do it) so Lisa or one of my sisters would come and pack up the kids and sometimes even pack me up. My wonderful sister in law, Lisa called this morning to ask if I would like her to stop to pack up the younger kids this morning and it was so nice to be able to say that I was going to be able to do it this time. :) Hopefully I will do as well as they have done.


Miriam said...

Rejoicing with you and praying for a non-eventful procedure!

Mary and Lyle said...

Hey Cindy and Kyle,

It was great to see you last night...if only for a few minutes:) Hope you had a nice campfire and family time on such a beautiful evening. Thinking of you as you get packed up and ready to go. We pray everything goes smoothly. Take care!

Mary and Lyle

Carey said...

Kayden is just gorgeous! I'm so happy for them, and for you that you get to be a part of it, even tho you aren't feeling so well yet. Who would have thought 3 years ago that you would be happy to be able to pack your family? Glad you're able to, friend, praying for you tomorrow (and today).

Anonymous said...

Dear Cindy,
Friends you haven't heard from in a while! Connie is taking her precious Sunday nap, so I thought it would be good to catch up reading your blog. Your trials with your health have been significant, but pray you'll continually grow stronger physically and spritually.
Now on the lighter side...say Happy Bday to Tanner, Adam also celebrated his 14th on May 13. He has his learners permit, so were very nervous. He recently drove,
accelerating a little hard from the stop sign, and began to giggle.
He said that felt good! Oh boy, were in trouble.
We also heard recently Eric, Katie, and Adam all now have new aquaintances. My hair is falling out at an all time high!! I to could use a wig.
Take care, God loves you and so do we. Please call when your up to it, we'd love to go out and catch up with you and Kyle.