Thursday, October 6, 2011


Well, I continue to do about the same.  Today has been a harder day and it finally occurred to me a couple hours ago that perhaps it is because the weather seems to be changing today.  Super windy and just unsettled feeling.  So maybe the weather will change and I will pick up again.  I have been busy, though, and that probably hasn't helped.  I don't see that changing the next few days.  Even if I am not doing the running with the kids, etc., just getting the kids out the door and keeping it all straight is overwhelming!

Exhaustion seems to dog me.  I am so tired tonight that it takes a lot of effort to just walk across the room.  Perhaps this will just be the way it is for me, but it is hard to try keeping up with four kids when I feel so whipped!  But then I remind myself of how much I have to be thankful for.  My headache is there, but I am not locked up in our bedroom absolutely miserable.  That is definitely something to be thankful for each day lately!

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