Thursday, August 4, 2011


Yesterday was just a rough day overall.  Hopefully today goes a little better.  I was quite nauseated in the morning.  It seemed to settle down for a while, but in the evening it kicked in again.  I took another zofran when I felt it coming but I did end up throwing up last night.  Ouch--that hurts with this big incision on my abdomen!  We were starting to think that I would be going back in to the hospital but this morning seems to be going a little better.  I started right away with the anti-nausea medication and a while later ate a piece of toast.  So we will see what the day brings.  I really don't want to go back to the hospital, but i do understand that sometimes it is the best place to be if I am struggling to manage at home. 

I am having some issues with pain control as well. In the hospital I was on a pain pump and iv toradol.  I have had my limit of the toradol so we are trying to figure out what to layer to be the most effective without it upsetting my stomach.  That is a delicate dance!

1 comment:

Carey said...

Cindy...catching up with you and it seems I've missed a lot! So sorry just when things were looking to get better you had this setback. Praying for strength peace and a wonderful recovery!