Friday, August 5, 2011


Another difficult day yesterday.  I ended up spending most of the day in bed and slept off and on.  I have continued to struggle with the pain control and nausea, but equally big problems right now.  I continue to hope each day that I will turn a corner.  It did seem as if yesterday evening was better than the day.

During the night I took an anti-nausea pill and only took a different pain med at 9:30 last night.  This morning I am hurting, but holding off on the primary pain med because the nausea is much better.  I just took some ibuprophen to see if that would take enough of the edge away.

We have been able to make arrangements so far for the younger kids to be away during the day.  They will be gone this morning again and I think Kyle will take the afternoon off and go somewhere with them. 

Poor Kyle.  I asked him if I was any better than a newborn!  Last night wasn't bad but the night before I guess he was up doing something for me three times (getting pain & nausea meds).  I don't remember any of it, but I am blessed to have such a faithful husband!  I think he should qualify for some kind of a reward! 

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