Friday, May 20, 2011


Three weeks today that this started.

It has been a little difficult to post primarily because I have been discouraged. I should be happy about the Johns Hopkins appointment, and I am, but it seems right now like a very long time away and it is hard to continue to have hope that I can get better.

I am making an effort to look at some positive in this and right now it isn't easy. But I know that my head does not hurt as bad as it has at certain times in the past. I am still significantly limited but I remember times that I had a hard time walking and when I would have earplugs on with the bedroom door shut and the kids walking through the next room would be too much. I wear earplugs at meal times now. We have also been able to figure out ways for me to go to a few things. The younger two had a concert so I went a bit late and stayed in the lobby with earplugs. Not ideal, but I was there. Today Kyle took me in the van to the parade. We used my handicap sign and parked in a handicap spot on the parade route. I stayed in the van with earplugs. I find that i have to close my eyes quite a bit because of the movement and I also put gunshot muffling headphones over my ears when the drums went by. Still a little too much, but I was there and saw Kylie do the flags in the parade.

There have been many times that I would not have been able to do these things, even times in this "episode" that I wouldn't have been able to. Am I thankful? Well, I am working on that. This has just been a really tough week on me.

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