Sunday, July 25, 2010

A bit better

I am thankful to say that I am feeling a little better starting yesterday. I hope it continues!

What a blessing to spend the Lord's day in church. I just am so thankful that I am able to attend regularly. What a blessing that is! I know it has been a year now since I have been home but I continue to find it such a blessing to be able to go to church after having to miss so much the previous three years when I struggled so much. I have been able to handle church pretty well with the noise, but after I struggle with the fellowship after. Many people stay to visit, which I love, but the noise level is just too much for me. I am so sorry to miss it but yet it is a small thing in the scope of it all.

1 comment:

Carey said...

So glad you're feeling better! Praying it's long lasting.