Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

What a blessed day! I really can't remember the last few Easters. It is kind of a scary thing to have such large blocks of time missing in my mind. This was a memorable day, though. We had such an awesome sermon in church today, and the Easter hymns were just beautiful. What a wonderful day to remember!

Kyle's family came to my house for dinner today, which was an accomplishment for me! I used to do these things regularly. However, I have to quickly add that I just took care of the ham and potatoes and they did all the rest of the food. It made it much easier for me, and even then it was a bit exhausting but doable. It was so nice to enjoy their company today, though, and to be able to do something like this again.

We had such a nice dinner on Saturday for Kyle's aunts birthday. It was fun to see many that I haven't seen for quite a while--some not since they visited me in the hospital. I think that I look better now than I did then. What a blessing to find out how many of them have followed this blog. I have been so blessed in many ways through this difficult journey. Kyle publicly thanked them for their support of us which was a bit emotional but we really wanted to express our thankfulness for such kindness shown to us.

I am not giving up, but yet I suspect that I may not completely regain my strength. Perhaps I will need to learn how to live this way. Exercise is still difficult. I can do some, but it doesn't take too much activity to make my head hurt worse. However, if I don't push myself I am not going to gain strength very fast, either. On days that I have kept things pretty low key I can walk around the block. I have learned, though, that if I am not very well rested I had better not try to walk around the block or I will pay for it!

1 comment:

Mary and Lyle said...

Hey Cindy

I'm so glad that you were able to enjoy a wonderful Easter at church and then with family! You really do look wonderful! I'm glad that this was an Easter that you can remember in years to come. God bless you friend!
