Thursday, March 19, 2009


This is Cindy writing again. Dr Heffez unexpectedly left town last night for a few days and told me that if I felt ready to leave the hospital I could today--so I did. We are staying in the hotel near the hospital tonight and we will see how tomorrow is. I don't have a headache! Yahoo!! I a feeling pretty weak, though, but that will get better.

I have a few incisions--a new one on my left abdomen below the rib, the normal "fishhook" incision on the left side of my head right at the hair line (I think--I am totally bald there), a couple stitches above my ear and a rather painful small incision in my neck a little below my left earlobe. About 1/3 of my hair is gone again, so now we have to decide what to do with it.

I am feeling better then I have for a while, which isn't saying a whole lot, but better then having a headache. Incredibly weak, but that will come. Depending on how I am doing, we may start heading for home tomorrow. Will write more tomorrow.


Mary and Lyle said...


So good to hear from you again. You sounded upbeat in your post. That is awesome. I am so grateful to the Lord that you do not have a headache!! I am praying for your strength to return day by day. I am thankful for two pretty good days in a row for you.


Anonymous said...

Praise God for relief. Praying He will continue to bring healing and strength.

Through Him

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you do not have a headache! Taking one day at a time to regain your strength is all you can do. Maybe having an appetite will help. I know when I have a headache, I usually am not very hungry. Praying for your strength to return...