Saturday, January 28, 2012


I am sorry I haven't posted more but I have been waiting for the doctor to call.  He hasn't called yet so I thought I would give an update with what we have been told so far and will post later when I have more answers.

As I wrote, I do not have a bowel obstruction.  When I didn't hear from a doctor by 5:00 I thought that perhaps they were doubting me.  That was not the case.  At about 7:00 the general surgeon called, asked me a few questions and then pointedly told me that I am not well and he knows something is wrong.  After going through some things and telling me that the blood test earlier showed one result that indicates abdominal issues normal shows a 2 and mine was 50-60.  He talked about admitting me this morning for exploratory surgery but is really worried about the shunts.  His words were, "I am very concerned."

He believes that I have an infection again, similar to the infection that caused my 5 week hospital stay 2.5 years ago.  After a lot of going back and forth and good advice from a doctor friend, we ended up arranging for my neurosurgeon in Baltimore to talk to the general surgeon here.  The general surgeon called about 10:00 last night and said that my neurosurgeon was going to study my file this morning and make a final decision as to whether I will need additional tests, be admitted in SC or get to Baltimore.  We are waiting for that call.  Of course, if it is infection there is a great deal of urgency because the fear is always that the infection will travel into my brain. 

The details are overwhelming so we haven't made any plans or arrangements.  My abdomen is hurting but still more tolerable than my head.  For the most part I am just taking ibuprophen with an occasional pain pill when needed.  Traveling could be very difficult if that is necessary and I'm not even sure how that will happen.  One thing at a time.

Right now we are in shock, I think, and Kyle and the kids are just going about their normal business.  We know the Lord is faithful and that His plan will be carried out in our lives.  It is overwhelming for us, but comforting to know that He has it in His hand.


Anonymous said...

Still keeping you in our prayers Cindy - we will wait to hear more. I am praying that the doctors make the best possible decision for you so that you do not suffer like you did last time. That hospital stay and all it involved are still very clear in my mind!

Anonymous said...

Praying daily but now more than ever that you will get the right doctors to help you past this new hurdle in your journey. You are so right, it is all in His hands and we have to just trust Him to get you through this!

