Saturday, January 7, 2012


A friend asked earlier to explain to the Christian community how we can provide comfort to those that are chronically ill.  I have thought a lot about that and have struggled with what to write.  I don't want to appear to have all of the answers, because I don't.  I don't want to have people feel that I am pointing fingers at any particular person, because I'm not.  So as I have prayed about this and then yesterday as I was continuing a study on Job, a section focused on what a good comforter should offer struck me.  So if you are interested in seeking God's words on comforting His people, take a look at the following verses.

I Samuel 23:15-16
Job 2:11-13
Job 16:5
Ephesians 4:29, 32
II Corinthians 1:3-4
I Peter 3:15

These verses really answer the questions on giving comfort.

I recognize that my situation is a bit unique because it isn't always easy to visit with someone with a headache, particularly when it is bad.  Since I am doing better, I feel like perhaps I can mention a few things that would mean a lot to me, and I suspect would mean a lot to any person that is struggling with an illness, injury or just having a hard time for whatever reason. 

I enjoy getting cards, particularly if there is a note in it that let's me know that the person is thinking of me.  I have appreciated notes on my blog. (I have just heard that there were some challenges with commenting on the blog so I encourage you to try it with the instructions I've added to the sidebar and just put "test" in the comment if you like to see if the instructions help--I can erase the tests.)  I love to receive emails, and my email address is in my profile.  I think it is important to mention that you don't need to have anything remarkable to say!  I received a kind email from a person while in the hospital this last time and I had Kyle read it to me several times just because it was so comforting to know that a person actually remembered that I was gone and that I was missed.  The same goes for the notes in my blog--although I couldn't read them in the hospital my mom would go to the room and read them to me on the phone so that I would know that I wasn't forgotten.  A visit means a lot as well.  It doesn't have to be long, but just sit down and talk to me about things that are going on in ordinary life is refreshing.  Perhaps just a quick call before coming might be a good idea.

The important thing that I want to express is that it doesn't really matter what you have to say and doesn't take a lot of effort.  It is showing that you care and that I am not forgotten in the hustle and bustle of life that means a lot to me!  Sometimes people are afraid to call, but if I can't talk I just won't answer but later listening to a quick message saying that you are thinking about me can provide a great deal of comfort as well.  Although this has been going on a long time, I can't say that it gets easier.  Sometimes it gets harder because an end doesn't seem to be in sight.  Please don't give up on me!


Anonymous said...

Cindy, It was so good to see you at the game tonight to watch your daughter in drill team. You looked really good and like you were actually enjoying yourself. We were sitting a few rows above you. I finally got brave enough to write a comment. Thinkjing of you. Gladys Hoekstra Jeff's mom.

Carey said...

Thanks, Cindy! And girl you are much to special to be forgotten! :) thanks for the honey delivery too.

Anonymous said...

Nope! No way we'd forget about you! I really appreciated this blog. You wrote it in such a gentle way, and yet a helpful way so that people can see that the simple acts of caring really mean so much! Hope that you and Kyle had a great time Friday night!


Anonymous said...

Just to let you know that we continue to pray for you and to let you know that God is always strengthening your faith and ours through this all. Rely on that. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Praying, praying, praying. Hoping that God would give you his peace, comfort, and healing during this difficult time.

From and friend of your daughter.

Anonymous said...

You can remember that beyond the clouds, the sun is still shining. I read that quote every so often,just as I read your blog. But you probably know that already. I truly am blessed with a sister-n-law like you.

Anonymous said...

Cindy, we continue to pray for you and your family. We will NEVER give up on you! Thanks for sharing those verses with us--they are VERY helpful! Hang in there--we love ya!

Tim, Pam, and Hope

Anonymous said...

You are in my daily prayers!


Anonymous said...

i haven't left a comment for quite some time but i check your blog often. i wish you God's continued comfort and grace.