Sunday, January 15, 2012


A day of blessing and worship today.  What a gift it is to be able to corporately worship twice on the Lord's Day again!

I continue doing well for me.  It has been three weeks and a couple days since my last surgery, and I really am amazed that I am doing as well as I am!  I can't make it through a full day yet, and I think it will be a while before I will be able to go all day.  But I am happy with how things are going to this point.

Saturday evening we had the delight of spending an evening with friends at their house.  It has been so very long since we have been able to do something like that, so it was a very special treat.  We are so thankful to the Lord for bringing me this far and pray for many more of these days ahead.

Please continue praying for our children as these ups and downs and the time away with hospital stays and surgeries again is hard for them.  Even though I am doing a lot better right now, they know so well how quickly that can change.  The fear that the uncertainties has created is difficult for me but often even harder for my family.  We continue to remind them that God's plan is best for our family even if we don't like it so well.  They understand that as well as any of us can but the fear is not erased.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a blessing to hear that you are feeling better as time goes along. We continue to pray for you. In our sermon today we heard of what joy our trials and hard times give us. God refines us like fire to be His own. What a comfort. Take care.