Thursday, July 28, 2011


This is Cindy posting again. I am in the RV hospital with an NG tube. I have an obstructed bowel. Unfortunately, it is halfway down so although the ng tube is draining a lot of stuff, it can't reach that far. They are hoping that with the pressure reduced from the top of the bowel that it may release the obstruction. They are giving 24-48 hours for that to happen. If it doesn't in that time or if there are any other complications I will have surgery. I will be transported to a larger hospital but we haven't decided which one yet. They are guessing that there is a 50/50 chance that I will have surgery.

The pain is much better, and I am on regular pain meds and anti-nausea meds. Yesterday and the day before the pain in my abdomen was intense where today I would call it more uncomfortable. I really dislike the NG tube, though.

The surgeon that visited said that this is most likely due to multiple surgeries in and around my abdomen, particularly 2 summers ago when I had the major infection. I was open from top to bottom then and they believe that scar tissue has attached to my bowels, which is also making it harder for the ng tube to take care of the problem.

I am trying to prepare mentally for another surgery. It probably will not be laproscopic because of the amount of scar tissue so it will take time again to recover. This is pretty discouraging to me. It is hard to understand God's plan in all of this. My head is clear and now my abdomen isn't. I really wonder if I will ever be well long enough to really recover and regain strength. It is becoming more and more difficult for me to even have the desire to bounce back. I am praying right now that the Lord just give me strength.

Last night I didn't get much sleep but the Lord was gracious to me. It seemed as I became more discouraged, comforting scripture verses would run through my mind. Although much of the night is a blur, I distinctly remember the verses in Jeremiah, "I know the plans I have for you says the Lord. . . " and so on. I am glad that the Lord has a plan because I sure don't! I just hope He remembers that I am at the end of my rope!

1 comment:

KPhilipsen said...

Dear Cindy,
Thank you for posting again since I was wondering what you were finding out. I am so sorry that you might be facing another surgery and will be praying that God gives you strength for whatever step he has in store for you. My kids and I have been memorizing some portions of scripture this summer, and the first one we memorized was Nahum 1:7 which reads, "The Lord cares for those who trust in him." May you feel the care of your heavenly Father and all the others who love you as well.
With love,
Kim P.