Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I didn't like the cold weather last week and this morning thought I was having a bad dream when I saw snow on the ground! This to shall pass, right? :)

I continue to do ok. This is a very busy time of year with our younger two in soccer Monday, Tuesday and Saturday and Tanner in soccer in high school. He has practice every day and games two nights a week. Then you add three piano lessons, violin lessons, cello lessons, recitals, and all the random other things that get thrown in and it is a little more than I can handle. We are also a little concerned about Tara--she has another ear infection. Not good.

For the most part I am trying to pace myself and pick and choose what I can and can't do. Sometimes that isn't so easy. A mom of four really needs to be more capable than I am. I continue to pray for strength, endurance and the ability to accept how things are.

Our family has seen so much kindness shown to us. I don't often mention how we have been blessed by fellow christians particularly because I don't want anyone to feel like we expect it or are asking for more. That being said, we had several people bring meals during the last "episode" and a Bible Study group brought us 16 meals! What an unexpected but so appreciated gift! Even though the I am not doing nearly as badly as I was, it has been such a blessing to have those meals that I can use when I just don't have the energy to cook. We are amazed at the generousity and kindness shown to us! It is also a gift to me personally that I can tangibly see that people care and haven't forgotten about me. That is pretty special to me. Thank you!!

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