Monday, February 14, 2011

Well. . .

I had an unplanned trip to McKennan yesterday. I woke up early to my head hurting very badly, and it just became worse as the minutes ticked by. I became very nauseated and my head felt like it was exploding again. Not good. That being said, I haven't had the best of experiences with emergency rooms (except rv). Typically the on duty doctor has the mission of trying to make you feel better and sends you home. They gave me drugs and sent me home.

My head isn't as bad as yesterday but still pretty painful. I'm not sure what is going on but am quite concerned about the shunts. I am waiting now for a call from the local neurosurgeon and am hoping he will see me today. I also put a call in to my neurosurgeon in Milwaukee to see what his thoughts are for shunt options if I am indeed going down that road again.

Please pray for me!


Carey said...

Oh, Cindy! So sorry! We're praying!!!!

Mary and Lyle said...


We are praying too! I just read your blog after Elizabeth Slice told me there were prayers for you at church yesterday. I'm so sorry that you had such terrible pain again. I was truly hoping this was over. I am hopeful that somehow you can receive the same kind of shunt as the lady that you have visited with on-line and over the phone. I am praying for a miracle that will help you! Love you!
