Saturday, January 15, 2011


Perhaps my strength has increased slightly? I'm not sure because I still feel so tired by afernoon and really need to have rest time before the evening. As I get more tired, my head seems to hurt more although i sometimes wonder if it may be the same but I just can't deal with it as well when I am more tired (or exhausted might be a better word). I really question whether I will regain that strength, but then I will have someone remind me that I did have numerous brain surgeries--it might just take more time.

Sometimes the last years seem a little surreal. Did it really happen? Was the pain as intense as I sometimes remember--but the answer to that questions doesn't take long to remember. :) I know the thought of another hospital stay fills me with dread--that is easy to remember as well.

I continue to be very careful with my head. I feel like it is as fragile as a thin egg shell. Bumping around much still hurts, I don't move my head fast (although better than before) and I am super careful about falling or really even having anyone touch my head. However, I keep thinking about summer coming (soon I hope!) and how badly I would like to ride bike. I'm not sure if my balance is all that much better but I really think I am going to try it. Maybe if I wear a bike helmet as a precaution and go slow just in case. We'll see. I miss so many things and this is a small thing but something we used to enjoy as a family that I would like to regain. I guess I have more time to contemplate it considering we have about a foot of snow on the ground right now.

Each day is so busy with all the kids' activities like homework, reading practice, math practice, etc. I have been wondering how Kyle ever kept up with it all when I was basically no help. He had to take care of me, run me all over and keep up with the stuff for the kids. I am so thankful for him and all that he has done to keep our family together and moving forward! All the pain, struggles and more pain are all worth it just now when Tara gives me a hug and tells me I am the greatest. Somedays I have wondered!

1 comment:

Nadine said...

We have been blessed with good health (touch-wood) in our family, and already it's been a struggle keeping up.
It sounds like your family is doing wonderfully.
One thing that helped us heaps with schoolwork (math has been a major problem) was a math facts game called MathRider (
It's a lovely game that our kids really enjoy and which intelligently works out what they need to practice. The best thing IMO are the rewards and how they lead to "complete" the game, which happens when they have truly mastered whatever operation they have been playing.
You probably have bigger issues, but reading your post made me think how much time and nerves we have been saving, at least concerning math practice.
Best wishes, Nadine