Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Wow, time is disappearing! I am doing pretty well over all. What a blessing that is! There is always the ups and downs but in general things have been fairly level. That being said, I can feel the storm coming now!

I keep thinking about how blessed I am. It is pretty easy to get down about things that I can't do and places I can't go. But, I have been able to do so much more than I did last year, or even more than the year before that! How difficult it is to keep perspective in life.

We had a very nice Christmas. Christmas Eve was spent just with our family, so it was quiet and very nice. Christmas day was spent with my family, including my sisters and their families and my parents. What a blessing to be able to be with all of them! It was a little overwhelming sometimes, so I just left the room and sat quietly in an empty room for portions of the day, but that made it very doable.

The Lord has answered our prayers in a way that He knows is best for us and in a way that makes things easier for me to live day by day. His plan is always best even when we can't see how that could be, and I am very thankful that His plan has given me rest from the intensity of pain that I was experiencing daily before.

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