Sunday, October 17, 2010


What a blessed day to worship the Lord! The weather continues to be stable which is such a blessing to me. The trees are showing such glorious colors! Again, I have so much to be thankful for!

Today was a little more challenging in the worship service with the sound level so out came the earplugs again. I am still a little unsettled about the "relapse" on Monday. What caused it? Is it an isolated event? Is it the start of a downward spiral? I am trying to think through things and be a little prepared just in case. I did talk to the neuro-surgeon's office this week and they of course said that there really isn't much they can do unless I start getting much worse. I expected that response and am fine with that. At this point I have gone to physical therapy a few times to try to relax my right shoulder and neck because it started bothering me more the day before the "event." I'm also researching my drug options and debating if adding another preventative might be beneficial. I have a couple ideas and will talk to my primary doctor this week about it.

My headache isn't bad now but it has increased a slight notch above where it was before Monday. So we will see what another week shall bring.

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