Friday, May 21, 2010


I haven't been feeling quite as well this week. Again I'm not sure why. It isn't bad but the headache is just a little more strong and bothersome. Oh, well. As long it doesn't get a lot worse I am ok.

It has been a while since I have given an update on the little things. My ears continue to ring--I think that will probably always be the case. I have had them not ring for a few days after each shunt placement or revision but then they start up again. So I know it can quit but just doesn't seem to want to. My right ear has been a little more painful again, too. It sometimes feels a little like an ear infection but I am sure it is just another symptom. The rash on my back is improving although I still get spots here and there. The eating is going much better. It seems that the only thing that I have be careful of is beef and to a certain extent pork. I ate a half of a hamburger last night, though, and it went pretty well. Progress!

The noise still bothers me quite a bit, particularly if there is a lot of activity occurring at the same time. Busy places just aren't so great for me. I will really be in trouble if one of my children decide to play basketball or volleyball! I think my balance is improving although when I get tired or overwhelmed I do feel a little unbalanced sometimes.

The sun is shining today and my small lilac tree is blooming beautifully right now. Spring is so wonderful! It is my favorite time of the year. I love seeing things coming to life after a long winter. God created this world with so much beauty!

1 comment:

Mary and Lyle said...

Hi Cindy,
Yes, spring is so wonderful isn't it? Especially when that sun shines!! I love it. It is so neat watching all my hostas get bigger each day.

We continue to pray for you over here. The kids continue to remember you too. There are a lot of "little things" that sometimes turn into big things when they are all combined! I'm wondering how loud the ringing in your ears is? Does it bother you a lot when you are visiting or talking on the phone, or do you just get so used to it?

I'm glad you were able to go to Tulip Time and watch the kids march in the band.

Hang in there. There are still a lot of people praying for you. Don't worry about the wheelchair...all the people that know you well and really care know EXACTLY why you need it. All the other people don't really matter:-) Hope you have a good evening with your family!
