Friday, February 26, 2010

Happy Birthday, Riley!

Today Riley turns 8. How can that time go by so quickly! It seems like just yesterday when we got the call that we could fly to Guatemala to take our son home. What a blessing he is in our lives! Sometimes we are told that he is lucky but we know that we are the lucky ones, privileged to be chosen to raise our son.

I recovered very quickly from my bout of sickness earlier this week. Of course, it seemed to sap more strength from me again and I am climbing back from that. I am very tired. Thankfully, I am the only person that was sick in our family. It does make me wonder a little more about whether it was the flu. I had a small amount of steak that evening, but more than I have had before. Perhaps that caused me to get very sick. It is hard to say. I am not at all tempted to try it again and see what happens!

My head is holding pretty steady. Today wasn't quite as good, but still I can't complain. If I can stay steady like this it would be ok. I discovered that the muscle relaxer that I've been taking (left over from earlier treatments for headaches) is over $200, so since I used the last this morning I am trying one of the others that I have in the cupboard in hopes that it will work as well. I have three to try in my arsenal at home so I am trying the least expensive one now to see how it goes.


Carey said...

Oh my goodness! What a little cutie! (that's what every 8 year old boys wants to here, right?!?) Happy Happy Birthday, Riley!

Carey said...

"hear" I meant "hear" as in ears. hehe gotta learn how to spell apparently. Maybe I could visit Riley's class? =)