Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Well, the yucky weather arrived and I'm still not feeling so well. With all the ice I worry more about falling. My balance has improved but I still feel a little off balance. I really don't know if it would really hurt me to fall, but I worry about banging my head or even having too big of a jolt. Could it move the tubes in my brain? I would guess not, but I hope I don't have to find out. My head used to hurt so badly that the thought of the jolt just made me quiver. Now it would still really hurt, but I could handle it, I think.

After I write all that, I have to wonder how I dare to complain when I think about the intense suffering that the people in Haiti are enduring right now. I can't imagine the devastation, loss of family and friends, medical issues that are untreated and the overwhelming loss and hopelessness that they must be experiencing. There really is so much suffering in this world. As I have said before, suffering myself and seeing others suffer really makes me long more for our Lord's return. I am ready for that day. Are you?


Carey said...


Sorry you're still hurting, and I can attest that even if you aren't previously hurting falls are no fun! Praying for your protection.

Mary and Lyle said...

I think as we get older (not that 40 is old) we long for the Lord's return more in our lives. We realize what heartache and suffering and sin there is in this world, and it makes us long for the next. I am thinking of you and hoping if the weather gets bad again on Friday that it won't affect you so much. Stay safe Cindy!