Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Wow! Can it be 2010?

Today I have spent some time in reflection, but I can't say it is all so positive. For the most part I stay pretty positive about how things are going and don't dwell on the problems but try to focus on the blessings. Today I do wonder what the next year will bring. Will there be any cure's or total relief? What is causing the headaches? Is it the intracranial hypertension or could it go back to the chiari issue or maybe a combination of the two? Will it ever get better or at the very least stay the same? What does life hold for me--will I ever regain my strength? Participate in normal life "stuff" again?

Please don't get me wrong--I am so thankful to be doing better. This has been the best I have been for a period of time for 3 1/2 years. I am grateful and thank the Lord for His many blessings. But I've not been feeling as good the last little while and of course that makes me wonder what direction I am going. I'm not being pessimistic but just wondering. I'm not sure I can survive another year like 2009.

1 comment:

Mary and Lyle said...

Hi Cindy!

It was so good to see you on New Year's Eve! I could tell that your head is certainly bothering you more again. I am really hopeful that it is this crazy storm system that we've had! I am praying for a really good 2010 for you and your family. I, too, hope that it is nothing like 2009 was for you. Hang in there and hold on to His promises! Love ya!