Monday, September 28, 2009

Dr appointment

Well, I have "graduated!" I don't have a scheduled visit with any doctor right now. Wow!

Today I met the neurosurgeon. It was as I expected. He was very kind, but really had little to add. The headaches are mild and holding fairly steady so he basically said we won't worry about it until or unless it becomes intolerable. He said that he really doesn't have many tools in his aresenal to treat this besides adjusting the shunt and surgery, which I knew. So we will keep praying that things stay ok. Today he did adjust the shunt open one more notch, which reduces the pressure in my head a little more. This is the most open that he dares to go, and it is a little risky. He thought about it for a while and finally decided that we could try it. The only way we will adjust it open any more would be if we are desperate. This setting is just below the "normal" settings. Again, we will live day by day and appreciate each good day that we are given.

Today I visited the hospital and went to the wing that I stayed in most of the time. It was overwhelming and a bit emotional for me. I saw some of the nurses that cared for me, which was fun, but it brought back some of the emotion of feeling trapped there. I so longed to come home without really understanding how sick I was some of the time so seeing it all again was a little hard.

The pain in my right side continues on and off, particularly after I eat the "wrong" things. Tony, I will probably ask you some questions soon but at this point I am pretty sure it isn't my gallbladder because they took it out along with my appendix as a preventative for future infections this summer when they had my abdomen spread open. The pain isn't right in the middle but middle right under the bottom of my rib. Since it is food that causes the pain the doctors believe that it is the pancreas still acting up but the tube from my shunt is draining in the area around my liver so that could also be causing some irritation as well.

Well, I am so tired I can hardly sit in my chair right now so I will head to bed and answer a few emails hopefully tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

glad to hear your appointments are few and far between. also, glad that your headaches are staying tolerable...I will keep praying that they move one more notch, to unnoticeable. you are a testament of God's faithfulness, Cindy, and for this I am grateful. amazing, isn't it? to think that people like me, get so much from you. God...He is sure something!

Anonymous said...

I am so grateful that your headaches are tolerable. Hopefully the pancreas will start to settle down soon. Praying for pain-free days and the ability to tolerate more and more foods.
Take care~